Awesome New Tech of VR Motion Platforms

Have you ever heard of a VR Motion Platform? VR is something that still seems like a new appearance in the gaming industry. Even though it has been around for quite some time now, it’s obvious that there is still a lot of innovation to be done for the gaming community. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still extremely impressed with what is already out like the higher end Oculus goggles as well as the other brands. It’s cool to be able to jump into games that we used to play on a 2D screen but now games like Skyrim and Fallout have been put into the virtual reality world. The only thing left is to have a way to actually be able to move throughout the VR world instead of just standing and watching your character move.

Wait? But there actually is something out there that does that!? I looked online and found some really neat, innovative mechanisms for giving people a way to move about on a motion platform (like a treadmill). VR Motion Platform technology can allow players to move about the virtual reality game in a seemingly smooth and realistic way. Take a look below at how it works and what people are saying about what is currently on the market (and obviously for a very expensive price). This just goes to show how much is really possible to take gaming to the next level.


How do these virtual reality motion platforms work?

For starters, you hook yourself up to a body sensor and it basically detects which way you intend to move, based on the positioning and leaning of your hips. It’s also extremely sensitive to any movements detected by your feet. Most machines have an almost frictionless platform that makes shuffling easy. Some brands even provide the ability for the user to jog in place. I also think it’s cool how most machines can be played on just by wearing socks and don’t require any special shoes.


What companies are involved in this innovation?

The following is a list of the top companies that are spearheading the development of VR motion platform gaming.


This company originated out of China as an independent VR hardware provider. Their goal is to provide users with the most immersive gaming experience at of all the other companies. I would say they do a neat job explaining how this technology works and how you only need a small amount of physical space to make this work. I’ve seen videos of people using this brand in their bedroom right next to their gaming PC! They prioritize low-delaying algorithms that respond smoothly to provide an awesome and realistic user experience. The only thing is that they have a height limit of 6’3 but this product can still aaccommodate90% of the planet.



This company has a motion platform that can be used for more than just gaming. It’s better structured for jogging motion which can be used exercise and gaming. As you can see in this one, the platform is a lot bigger but still a consumer made product if you’re super rich. As these become more mainstream, I’m confident the price will go down and availability will go up. This one is also neat because it uses a wireless control system to react to user movements. 

Cyberith Virtualizer

Both the Cybernith Virtualizer and the Virtuix Omni use a similar structure. They both involve a vertical component of waist attachment that helps the computer understand if the player is crouching or standing upright. It’s awesome how you can wear your socks to easily slide and shuffle on the platform. The new emergence of these devices truly impresses me simply because of how simple they are. The ability to move 360 degrees freely in any direction takes game immersion to a whole new level. A lot of companies such as Omniverse have a decent number of establishments throughout the United States and across the world! Check out their website by clicking on their link to see if there are any in your area. If you’re really interested, it would also be worth looking into other companies to see if they also have any free conventions coming up.


Virtuix Omni

Again, another efficient and simple design that dramatically improves the VR experience. It’s definitely worth stopping by a virtual reality gaming rig at a local mall at least once if you haven’t had the chance yet. I’m not sure where to find conventions that offer motion platform VR gaming but I imagine there will be more and more in the future.



How do people feel about them?

Here’s a transcription if you didn’t watch the video: It’s incredibly realistic! After some user and technological adjustments, players were easily able to take full control over the platform and engage in VR gaming. A lot more virtual reality motion platforms are in the works such as the Infinadeck and there are many more companies that are on the cutting edge of this.


How much do these new technologies cost? Most of them are in the $100 price range. JUST KIDDING

  • Katwalk: $4000
  • Infinadeck: In beta testing software- no final price
  • Virtuix Omni and Cybernith: $2000


Some people, including my girlfriend, are playing the devil’s advocate for all this new technology. Is this next level of immersion inevitably going to have adverse effects on the mind? Is it also worth the money for the current cost? I definitely will be waiting to see, and I can only imagine how much better and more efficient the technology gets even though it has already come so far. I actually have access to a VR set up which I will do a review on in a different article coming soon. If there are any other topics you would like to see covered that haven’t been yet let me know.


Let me know what you think and leave a comment! Or reach out to me at and I’ll do my best to answer any and all questions!

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